5 Reasons you might be having Anxiety. Fix these before diagnosing yourself with a mental health disorder. Lifestyle changes are the MOST important first step.

 5 Reasons you might be having Anxiety.

Fix these before diagnosing yourself with a mental health disorder.

Lifestyle changes are the MOST important first step.

1. Horrible sleep schedule:

One of the worst things you can do for your mental health is poor sleep.

Its been shown time and time again to cause anxiety and low mood.

The worst part is anxiety causes poor sleep.

Which becomes a vicious cycle.

Never compromise on your sleep.

Obviously once in a while is fine.

But staying up till 2 am every night to watch TV is killing you.

Minus all the negative effects the screen time has on your QUALITY of sleep right before bed.

2. Over caffeinated:

Nothing wrong with a little bit of caffeine every day.

But having 3 cups of coffee daily before noon is a problem.

It leads to chemical imbalance and anxiety.

3. Screen time:

There is a direct correlation between increase screen time (phone, laptop, TV) and an increase in anxiety.

If you're spending 10 hours staring at a screen... What do you expect?

Everyone thinks its not them.

Actually track your hours and see.

You can either dedicate blocked time with no screens if you have the willpower.

or you can use an app like the freedom app to blocks certain things during the day (Social media).

4. Overindulgence in mainstream media:

if you find yourself often deeply outraged by every other thing happening on the news.

It's a one-way ticket to anxiety, anger issues, and depression.

While it's good to be informed.

News channels are masterminds at inducing fear.

Drop the news.

Find short form unbiased content to read from if you truly want to stay informed.

My take is if it's important enough. 

You will find out somehow.

5. Poor diet:

This comes up time and time again.

For obvious reasons.

What you eat is the single most important factor affecting your health.

Poor diet leads to poor gut health.

Poor gut health has been proven to cause anxiety and depression.

Cut down on the junk food.

Stop eating processed crap.

Stick to things that were available 500 years ago.

Meat, Fruits & Veggies, Grains, Nuts, Etc.. 

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